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Spring’s warm welcome offers increasing daylight, refreshing waters, blooming flowers, and a promise of awakening hope. While Easter, the most precious occasion, invites us to embrace God’s gift of love and grace. He meets us whether we seek healing, nourishment for new buds of life, tender care, or strength to flourish and live fully.
Even with the beauty of spring, you may hold hidden heaviness. Perhaps you are graduating or entering the workforce. Maybe you are an exhausted new mom or mourning an empty nest. You could be struggling with unfulfilled promises or the loss of someone dear. Be reminded that our Master Gardener sees you—He can tend to anxious and broken hearts and to those full of life and anticipation.
In this issue, we explore various forms of motherhood, processing grief, strength, spiritual growth, caring for our mental and physical health, serving near and far, and more. Together we are 28 writers and creatives from different countries, cultures, and generations who share a love of Jesus and a deep desire for each woman to feel seen.
- Hope and inspiration for the season—Hope-filled articles, inspirational fiction, poetry, artful reflections, and prayer extend hope for the season and inspiration from fresh perspectives.
- For seasons of life and grace—Nourishment for the mind, body, and soul is offered through contemplative articles, reflective prompts, and ideas for practical life application.
- Share and embrace the season—Tips, recipes, projects, and meaningful gift ideas to enjoy with others as you create and share new and lasting memories for the season and years to come.
- Seasonal features and stunning original photography
- Interactive components with the Our Story Community
As always, Our Story Magazine offers:
- stunning original photos
- 150 pages
- 100% contributor content
- ad-free and sponsor-free.
- premium color
- 8.5x11in
Our Story Magazine • Spring 2023 (Digital Edition)
- You will receive an email receipt immediately that includes the link to download the PDF file.
Print on 8.5x11" paper for best results.
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Our Story includes many interactive pieces—journal space, worksheets, puzzles, coloring sheets, games, and more. You may print any of the pages you wish!
View 1 or 2 pages at a time. We love the 2-page views, but also reads nicely one page at a time.