31 Ways to
Embrace Spring
At Our Story Magazine, we hope to inspire you to enjoy the remaining days of spring before summer adventure calls.
We invite you to download our free 31 Ways to Embrace Spring checklist!
If you have a copy of our Spring 2024 issue, you may also find this list on page 109.
As you embrace the season, post photos and tag us on Facebook or Instagram
#embracetheseason #ourstorymagazine

30 Days of Gratitude
Our 30 Days of Gratitude may be used for inspiration or as a 30-day checklist. You may want to begin the first day of a month and check off each square as you move through the 30 days. Or, simply use these 30 ideas to inspire you to embrace a lasting practice of gratitude.
This list originally appeared in our Autumn 2022 issue. In Norma's Live Well column on pages 110-119, she shares how to cultivate a mindset of gratitude and how one of the most impactful things you can do to begin a practice of gratitude is to write down three things you are grateful for every morning. You may also use this list of 30 examples as inspiration for your daily gratitude journaling.
As you work through these 30 days or write in your gratitude journal, post photos and tag us on Facebook or Instagram to inspire others @OurStory.Magazine.
Use hashtags #gratitude #ourstorymagazine.
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