Krista Hewlett, Founder
I am excited to introduce you to the women who contribute their gifts and voices to Our Story Magazine!
I am in awe and thrilled with the welcomed eagerness from women to be a part of Our Story. It is my humble honor to amplify their offering for kingdom purposes—each gift and voice unique and beautiful. My heart has overflowed again and again with gratitude and wonder as He continually surprises me in this unknown journey.
For so long, my heart has grieved over the empty seats at the King’s table. In seeking His heart for creative ways to pull together my skills, experience serving women, and desire to honor Him as an offering—He said, “Daughter, you have all you need. Go. Do it now.” His faithful direction is never too far from our reach.
And so we have Our Story Magazine.
Our Story Magazine inspires women to lean in and listen to one another as we hear the Father beckon each tender heart to step out where He may be calling.

We believe many of God’s daughters feel alone and yearn to feel seen by you and me—for who they authentically are. And if women serving women is key to moving forward in our relationships, families, churches, and communities, then loving each other well must begin with truly seeing one another.
We understand that no matter the season on our calendars, women are in various seasons of life and grace. She may be a young professional at work and play, looking for harmony in all life throws her way. She may be a young mom, nurturing family and home, desperately seeking inspiration for the weeks ahead. Or maybe she sees an empty nest for a number of reasons, and life is moving too fast or too slow, and she is unsure what her next step should be.
We offer hope-filled stories, articles, reflective journaling prompts, and more in every issue to remind us of the indescribable goodness of God and that we belong to Him. We want women to be encouraged that, as we seek ways to step out in faith and live as He desires, He is not surprised by our questions and only desires that we rest in His plan and purpose for each of us.
We hope a welcomed comfort is evident in the pages of every issue of Our Story, like the understanding embrace of a friend. We pray women find hope for their hurting hearts and that they are inspired to live free and trust God in every season of life and grace. And we always include inspiration for growth and fun!
Our writers and creatives are from different countries, cultures, and generations who share a love of Jesus and a desire for each woman to feel truly seen.
Much love,
Meet the writers and creatives for the Spring 2024 Issue of Our Story, followed by a note about our spring issue from the editors.

Ah, Spring! I love watching the myriad colors of spring green that emerge and the surprise of a new flower that has broken ground. Each issue of Our Story brings that same wonder as I marvel at the talent of our writers. I learned about flower arrangements and pottery. My bird affinity blossomed reading about baby ducks and mother robin. My animal-loving, prone-to-wander heart resonated with how one writer’s dog showed her that she too chases shiny objects.
My faith was enriched learning more about biblical spring feasts, and I came away asking God what He wants me to put to death and what He wants to resurrect in this season of renewal. I pray that the articles, photography, recipes, journal prompts, poetry, and crafts delight your heart as much as the birds’ songs are delighting mine!
Loral Pepoon

From Editor & Contributing Writer, Loral Pepoon
From the Founder & Editor in Chief, Krista Hewlett

Our writers and creatives have been exploring the significance of release this spring and how letting go of the old can make room for the good and the new. When one of our insightful writers, Tabitha Meglich, saw the cover for this issue, she described the iris as “dynamic, like it’s just now unfurling and opening up to the world. The dew on the petals also says something about receptivity to whatever the new day might bring.” I believe this issue reflects that sentiment, with page after page sharing the gifts and voices of 32 women from five countries who want nothing more for you than to live a life filled with hope.
We understand that life can be challenging, and we often face struggles that may stifle our joy or hinder our potential. Yet, we believe that with God’s help and support from others, we can let go of our harmful emotions and mindsets that may be holding us back—be it self-doubt, shame, envy, resentment, or pride. Since release can mean to breathe out, let go, or surrender, we believe that once we exhale our worries or lay down what binds us, we are more likely to attain the joy and peace that before may have seemed impossible.
So, to the soul that has been waiting for hope or holding on to things that are keeping you down, we invite you to trust that when you surrender the dormant parts of your heart or the cares that weigh on your mind to God, He will make room for you to move forward. We pray this issue inspires you to lean into His redeeming love and embrace the good and new He has for you. Then flourish, dear friend, and become who He made you to be.
Much love,
Krista Angela Hewlett
Founder | Editor in Chief | Publisher